Grayson & Claire

As interesting characters go, you really can't get anyone more fitting that description than the great Grayson Perry as not only is he a fantastic artist, he is also a great documentary producer and all round good bloke.

His open-ness about his own mental health struggles and difficulties in his early life is also something of a breath of fresh air and I admire his unapologetic disheveled honesty in the way he presents himself, which he eloquently off-sets against his alter-ego, Claire, whose persona is in direct contrast to that of his 'male' side.

As he was the subject of a previous drawing and also a digital painting, I wanted to explore the contrasts of his public and private persona in my third clay bust project.

Below are the results of this endeavour; a fully painted interpretation of the man and woman combined, hand-built using air-drying terracotta clay.

As with the two previous projects, I used the clay bust template acquired via the online course by Cristina Cordova and set about building the features by adding more material to the facial area.

The challenge with this one was to try and capture both sides of the character of the man, so I worked from various photo references to achieve this as best as I could.

Here is a photo of me posing with the leather hard version of the finished work before I went on to applying some acrylic colours, as the photos below demonstrate.

Click on the far left image on the strip and toggle through to see the work from all angles.